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September 8, 2013
Featured In: Shy Town Girls

shy town girls

Moving across the country and starting a brand new life in Chicago was one of the most challenging and rewarding things that I’ve ever forced myself to do. Not only have I learned so much about myself, but about relationships, friendships, careers and just taking everything one day at a time. When Shy Town Girls reached out to me about a guest post for their blog, I was so excited to change things up and share some life lessons I’ve learned over the past few years.

Shy Town Girls is a book series about 4 girls in their twenties who are adventuring around the great city of Chicago. When I realized what the series was about, I laughed a little to myself because it couldn’t be more perfect for what I feel like my life was when I got here. Deposited in a blank canvas of adventure and excitement, I quickly found 3 other girls who quickly became my best friends/sisters/partners in crime and we have spent the past two years doing exactly what the girls in the books have — living it up and figuring it out along the way.

For the post, I was asked to talk about what I would tell my twenty year old self. I hope you guys enjoy and would love to hear what your lessons learned from your own experiences in your 20’s are!


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