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December 30, 2017
A Letter To My 2018 Self

Another year has passed and with just 2 more days in 2017 I’m looking back on all that has happened this year. From our trips to Chicago, Dallas, West Palm, Atlanta, Charleston and Martha’s Vineyard to the incredible fun we’ve had just in our day-to-day lives I can’t help but feel so incredibly grateful for both the good days and even the tough ones this year.

I think first and foremost this year has been transformational for me in how I’ve approached balance in my life. As we’ve settled into our little apartment and spent the last part of this year enjoying being engaged so much has changed from even the first few years that I lived in New York. There is a new normal in my life and although it has been challenging sometimes to settle with the fact that it has, in fact, changed, it’s all exciting and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

In what will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable years of my life I’ve learned to slow down, be more present, and focus more of my time on the things that matter the most. There have been things I’ve wanted to share with you guys this year, like why we didn’t go to Korea, why I haven’t blogged as much at times, and other personal things that I used to be better about writing about. As we prepare to start 2018 with a clean slate I realized the best way to put this all into words was in a letter to myself next year so that I can keep the same perspective I’ve come into this year. So here goes!


2018 is destined to be another year of the unexpected. Last year ended on the sweetest note you could ever imagine. Who knows what this one will hold–it will likely be busy and challenging at times, but it will be so rewarding and hopefully one of the most fun years of your life!

You’ve spent years learning how to balance a demanding work life with a personal life and a small business on the side, and that’s something you should always be proud of. Juggling all 3 is never going to be easy, but it brings you so much joy and you should be a little easier on yourself. Remember that this year was all about balance and carry that into next year. 

There were times this year where you felt like you weren’t able to be as dedicated to the blog as you would like. Outside of what probably looks like a very stylish, fun lifestyle that you guys live there were a lot of other things happening behind the scenes that were more important to focus on at times. You never shared this here, but in advance of your trip to Korea you started exploring your adoption and that was both emotionally challenging and exciting. It was a long process that brought feelings and reactions to the surface that you weren’t expecting, but everyone you love the most was there to support you and help you get through it. In the end you guys didn’t go on your trip for everyone’s safety and because the timing didn’t end up being right. It’s ok. You’ll go one day (MG also has promised to make sure it happens) and everything happens for a reason.

You also got engaged! It was important to take time to enjoy that moment and the entire weekend with your family and friends because it’s truly a once in a lifetime event. It was the very best weekend of your life and there’s so much to look forward to with MG. 

As you start planning your wedding together just remember that at the end of the day, it’s about your marriage and not the hoopla. Your family and friends will love being there to celebrate you two and that’s what matters the most. But at the same time, it only happens once so enjoy it (and treat yo-selves)! 

These days you don’t always want to go home and write posts, edit or email until the wee hours of the night, 7 days a week. You don’t understand how other girls do it, especially with kids, and actually enjoy the time that they spend with their loved ones too. Oh and not to mention cook! You admire them for their dedication to blogging and know that you’re in a different place and that’s totally fine. 

Remember that some of your favorite trips have not been about the places that you went, but the people you were with. Keep planning to visit and meet up with your best friends from all phases of life. Those relationships are the richest and make you feel the most fulfilled when you’re together. 

You said goodbye to a job that you loved and co-workers you loved even more, but your new job is the bomb and you’re so happy. You haven’t felt this way about work in years and are so excited to be a part of it. It’s a little crazy and humbling to think about how your career has brought you here and you feel grateful for that journey. 

Spend less and save more. Revolve may try and get you with extremely trendy pieces of clothes when you’re up late at night and can’t sleep… but just go to bed. 

One of the most important lessons you’ve learned through this phase in life is to take it all in and really experience life as it happens. It may seem like ages ago, but you were once a single 20-something girl living in Chicago and New York wondering when this time would come. Good news: IT’S HERE. Don’t worry about the things that you can’t control and enjoy this season of life. As your wise loved ones say, you have to soak up the good seasons in life so that you can pull on them later in the tougher seasons when you need to remember happier, more carefree times.

Even better news: you’re not in it alone. You’re surrounded by a wonderful family, loving friends, and a fiance who loves you dearly. Who knows where you’ll be forever, or how many kids you’ll have – it’s fine you have plenty of time to figure that all out. For today just decide what you’re wearing to ring in the New Year and your birthday and make sure you have plenty of champagne. Have fun! 

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