March 11, 2016
Trenchcoat Season
This week was one of the nicest weeks in New York since last Fall with record setting highs and plenty of sunshine. I was so happy to ditch my heavier coats for something lighter. I snagged this trenchcoat in a petite size after a lot of stalking and ...

March 8, 2016
Making The Transition To Spring
I had almost made it through all of winter without wearing this duster coat that I had picked up last year. Too light to wear in the thick of winter and too heavy to wear when spring actually starts peeping it's head out there's only a small window w ...

March 3, 2016
Wishing For Spring
In anticipation of the sun coming out and the rise in temperatures, I’ve started looking ahead to some of the things I know I have coming up and need dresses for. I lost myself on the Shopbop site one night and fell in love with this little blue do ...

February 23, 2016
A Touch Of Plaid
I feel like New York has rubbed off on me in so many little ways – I walk way faster than I ever have in my little legged life, I don't even remember what cooking is like, and I find myself shopping less because I just don't have as much room in ...

February 9, 2016
Winter Weekend Casual
This past weekend was beautiful. I almost forgot that it snowed last week when I came back into the city on Saturday afternoon. The snow had melted and you really only needed a coat and a long-sleeve shirt. Oh, what a joyful hiatus it was.

January 26, 2016
Drape Front Jacket
I have to admit, my winter rotation is getting a bit stale. Sweaters, jeans, boots, repeat. You probably know exactly what I'm talking about! Getting dressed up is trickier in the winter and let's be honest.. there's not a ton of motivation.
Every ...

January 15, 2016
Blanket Scarf Season
I have a weird habit where when I check the weather, I always look at the 15 day forecast. I don't know what it is but it's like I have to know if the temperatures are going to rise or fall or if it's "bundle up for the next 15 and then some."
Aft ...

January 11, 2016
How To Find The Perfect Flares
I've been on a pretty heavy skinny jean kick for ... oh, I'd say about 4-5 years now. By kick, I really mean that I've kicked everything else out and that's all that remains. (No but really, I cleaned out my closet this weekend and it's true–skinni ...

December 30, 2015
Nothing New
This holiday season I promised myself I’d try to spend less on buying new outfits and more on presents for people that I love, trips that I have coming up next year, and helping other people. I’ve challenged myself to come up with some new looks ...

December 21, 2015
Holiday Happiness
As much as I tried to get ahead of my holiday shopping this year, inevitably I always end up needing a gift or two when I head home. I picked up a few gifts from the Union Square holiday market this year and always love bringing something back to Tex ...

December 18, 2015
Slate Blue
There's something about December and this time of year that tends to bring out different color cravings for me. Something in the (well, not so wintery) air beckons cooler tones and subdued statements. While I've kept my recent outfits relatively simp ...

December 14, 2015
Uptown Girl
Confessions of being a New York transplant–there are still some songs that make me so happy to listen to when I walk around the city. One of those songs is Uptown Girl by Billy Joel.. it just puts a smile on my face.
If you saw the movie Trainwr ...

December 7, 2015
From Fall To Festive
December. You're finally here! It doesn't really feel like it's you, but it sure does look like it's you. The halls are decked all over the city and we've officially begun my favorite month of the year! I love the holiday season and everything about ...

November 23, 2015
How I Like My Coffee
My pet peeve with myself in the coming months is that I tend to wear the same color combinations over and over again. I get sick of my closet (and myself for not diversifying) so quickly by wearing them all out. My other fall challenge this year was ...

November 18, 2015
Fall Uniform
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know leopard is a print that took a little bit of growing on me. I started small with the skinniest belt you’ve ever seen, but since have expanded into other pieces and most recently these cute litt ...

November 16, 2015
Stealing From The Boys
You know, I hate to admit it but sometimes the boys just have it right. There's something about a simple stripe that works on just about everyone. If you ride the subway to work in New York City you're bound to see many a suited man usually in some ...

November 9, 2015
In A Pinch
Thanksgiving is around the corner and with a lot of festivities here in the city (like a certain special someone's birthday, going away events, visitors in town, etc.) I've been running around like a mad woman trying to make sure I can do it all.

November 5, 2015
That Something Extra
Sometimes it's a necklace, sometimes it's a handbag, but in this case that little something extra is this pair of boots. Like every good pair of shoes, they have a great story. These are no different!
One of my friends works for the Net-A-Porter g ...

October 29, 2015
Flirt In The Skirt
More often than I care to admit I find myself relating fashion to song lyrics or movie lines. As soon as this skirt arrived the movie that popped into my head was A League Of Their Own. If you've never seen it, save it in your iPhone notes and next t ...

October 23, 2015
Black Lace
When I really like something, I really like it. Lace just happens to be one of those things that I can't seem to get enough of. It could be a little black dress, a little navy dress, or something like this matching set for whatever reason I tend to ...

October 19, 2015
Turning Over A New Leaf
Growing up, I never really needed a ton of cold weather staples. You really just needed one coat, a few sweaters and a North Face jacket and you were good to go. After all, winter in Texas is really over in the blink of an eye – and summer clothes ...

October 12, 2015
Olive And Navy
I've been playing it safer with styling lately and have been trying to find other ways to branch out – mostly through new color combinations. Our tiny apartment and the re-emergence of my winter coats and sweaters means there's less room than ever ...

October 6, 2015
Cozy Fall Additions: Capes
I have to admit - I've been on the cape train for a long time now. Give me any easy solution that will keep me warm and be stylish and I'm sold!
I've mentioned this recently but this year I'm all about finding simple solutions to my fall style. I ...

September 28, 2015
Back To The Basics
Ahhh. It's really, actually here! This weekend in New York truly felt like fall and I have to say, it was pretty amazing. The windows were open, you just needed a light sweater, and the candles are coming back out on Sunday nights.
I've been a lit ...

September 18, 2015
People StyleWatch: Finding Your Perfect Denim
I can't even tell you how excited I am for today! The October issue of People StyleWatch is out and yours truly is a part of a great piece on how to find denim for your body type.
Jeans are my jam and I've found over the years that they're an inc ...

September 16, 2015
Emerald City
It seems like mother nature has decided that it's not quite Fall yet here in New York – and I'm not mad about it. Last week we had some extremely hot and humid days for the fact that it's mid-September and so I have been keeping my summer clothes o ...

August 31, 2015
Labor Day Ready
It seems like it hasn't been that long since my stay-cation, but I am so excited and ready for a long weekend. Labor Day is one that has grown on me a lot over time. Although it marks the end of summer, it also means that there are a lot of fun thin ...

August 28, 2015
For Every Occasion: Cocktail Parties
Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved getting dressed up. I definitely had my tomboy phase (didn't we all), but always had an especially strong affinity for dresses in particular. Short, long, printed or solid.. my mom never really had to try ...

August 27, 2015
For Every Occasion: Brunch Ready
Remember that beautiful pleated skirt from Tuesday? It's back! One of the reasons why I love a statement skirt like this is that it's easy to keep wearing in different ways. I styled it previously for showers or a slightly more dressy occasion, but a ...

August 26, 2015
For Every Occasion: Daytime Weddings
My second favorite season of the year behind summer just might be wedding season! We're on the tail end of a ton of friends getting married going into the Fall and it always poses the age old question – what do I wear?
I like to change it up eve ...

August 25, 2015
For Every Occasion: Showers
The transition period between fall and summer is one of the best times of year for a lot of reasons. There's so much to look forward to – cozy fires, football season (I'm from the south), new soups, and all of those knits & layers!
Befor ...

August 24, 2015
For Every Occasion: Weekend Casual
Happy Monday! I couldn't be more excited to be kicking off a special series with one of my favorite brands, Anthropologie! I've always believed that getting dressed and shopping should be a fun and exciting experience for everyone. Personally, it bri ...

August 17, 2015
Pack A Punch
When it comes to dresses, I have a weakness for the basics. I have far too many LBD's and LWD's and the trouble is I have a really hard time veering off of that course.
A few weeks ago I was back home in Texas and stopped into Nordstrom with my mo ...

August 14, 2015
Showing Some Skin
I grew up being outside a lot – playing soccer my whole life meant that my skin was usually getting beaten up all year around in Texas and especially during the summer. After 3 years in Chicago, I thought my skin had forgotten how to soak up the su ...

August 10, 2015
Light & Airy
The past week being off of work was such a nice refresher not only for me mentally, but it was kind of amazing not "having" to get dressed everyday. Wednesday night we were going out for dinner and so I finally pulled myself together and put makeup ...