The View From 5 Ft. 2

5 Happy Things

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Well, it’s not Monday this week but it’s Monday for me! We had yesterday off of work and I took a chance to keep the pause button hit on pretty much everything. This weekend was very low key and I caught up on a lot of R&R–and a lot of Mad Men. We had a little bit of snow yesterday and the city was pretty quiet this weekend.

1. Tomorrow is my mama’s birthday! I am so sad that I won’t be there to celebrate with her, but in looking for something to send I discovered a new flower delivery company called The Bouq’s that’s beautiful and affordable and has expanded to Dallas. I’m excited to see how they turn out.. find out more about them here!

2. We stumbled upon an incredible cookie designer‘s Instagram account last week doing some research for work. How amazing is her Instagram feed?

3. Nordstrom is doing a Winter Clearance where you can snag coats and jackets at a fraction of their retail price just a few months later. It’s the perfect time to stock up for next winter on sweaters, too! I am loving this long camel Trina Turk coat (and it’s 50% off!)

4. After my post last week on how to change up your morning routine, I loved seeing this Glitter Guide article on 10 ways to wake up happier every morning. Everyone can use a little help in these cold and dreary months!

5. The 10 day forecast is pretty much in the 40’s and above! After a frigid weekend and with my winter doldrums getting stronger, this is such happy news. Have a great week!

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